Sunday 9 November 2014

How to Get Rid of Bronchitis Fast Naturally

1. Turmeric: Turmeric powder is very easily available and used to treat symptoms related to bronchitis and how to get rid of bronchitis fast. Anti- inflammatory properties of turmeric is good for coughs associated with bronchitis. Take a teaspoon of turmeric powder and add a glass of milk and then boil it. Its pure ghee and milk with a teaspoon two to three times a day should be consumed. For faster results, take on empty stomach daily milk. It will expectorate mucus in the lungs over- produced and soon you will be relieved. It measures the wings bile stones, hyperacidity, stomach ulcers and is not suitable for people with obstructive jaundice.

2. Onion: Ear pain can be treated with onions, such as bronchitis, your problem can be solved with onions. Dissolve mucus and phlegm expectorant characteristics present in onions help. At the same time, the onion juice will avoid their further formation. Just empty stomach every morning, take a teaspoon of raw onion juice. This house is a great remedy for how to get rid of bronchitis fast. Also use it while cooking the onions in your salad or add raw onion is recommended.

3. Brine: How to get rid of bronchitis fast, gargling with salt water several times to treat various symptoms of bronchitis is a great way. The measures take a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and are gargling. You need as often as you can gargle with salt water. There are two benefits of this measure. Firstly it will soothe inflammation in the throat and secondly it can cause irritation to the sensitive membranes of the throat that will cut through some of the mucus.

4. Epsom salt:
Epsom salt bath can relieve the symptoms of acute bronchitis. Epsom salt bath, add hot water to prepare 60 liters for a kilo. Epsom salt is dissolved properly; you should be immersed in the bath for around half an hour. Those having chronic bronchitis should bathe twice a week and for those suffering from acute bronchitis every night or every other night to take a hot Epsom salt bath.

5. Sesame seeds: Sesame seeds can treat bronchitis that some medicinal properties. How to get rid of bronchitis fast? You have a teaspoon of honey, one teaspoon of sesame seeds, and a teaspoon of linseed and add a pinch of common salt can make a mix. This mixture daily before going to bed. Otherwise the water with two tablespoons of sesame seed powder ½ teaspoon dry mix and have it twice daily. It measures associated with bronchitis is very helpful in relieving chest pain.

To finish, you have to treat bronchitis problems mentioned above can try some natural remedies of how to get rid of bronchitis fast. Symptoms get worse but if you need to see a doctor immediately.

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